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Let’s Talk SRS…

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A property like the Seattle Residences and Spa is birthed to satisfy the insatiable human need for luxury living.

The Seattle Residences and Spa is one of the most iconic brands that is synonymous with scenic views, tasteful luxury, and sophistication of design, and quality of service. Situated in the heart of Lagos by the shoreline of the historic Diplomatic neighborhood, Walter Carrington Crescent Victoria Island, Lagos, speaks not just enough niche but elegance in what a premium sphere should be.
If you want to discover Lagos city, our state-of-the-art Penthouse allows you not just a glimpse of the town but the glory that revolves around the waterways. From the flying cruise/passenger boats to our local fishermen casting their nets unto the waters. The Seattle Residences and Spa is pure magic inundated with quality customer service. We give a reason to our clients to cancel destinations like Monaco in France, Maldives, and the likes as our GoodLife Restaurant provides the best culinary experience from our carefully selected menu to the professional Chefs who curate a healthy meal along with our wellness mantra.

Being a one-stop-shop for hospitality, all our client’s needs are considered and met through other services that we provide. For a 24-hour service delivery outlet, a chauffeur, butler, room service, and Spa services are there to cater for the maximum satisfaction of the luxury our clients crave.
Just like the luxurious automobiles like Rolls Royce, Mercedes-Benz, etcetera replaced the Chariots, Camels, and Horses, The Seattle Residences and Spa has done the same in redefining luxury living.
~ The next wave in luxury waterfront living

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